Traveling has always been a very important part of our lives. And connecting travel and weddings is a dream of ours. When we visited friends in Vancouver, we also met the adorable couple Frankie and Jay at a garden party. Their openness and closeness was fascinating. We understood each other immediately from the start. When they suddenly asked us if we wanted to photograph their Elopement spontaneously, we of course directly said “YES”. Done, and only a few days later their indie bohemian ceremony took place. Quite unconventional and carefree, they collected all their most important things together in the days before, and were trusted by their friend, a wedding speaker, in the deep forests of Canada. After the subsequent couple shooting, the two got on their bike and drove together into their future.
Aw, that was just sooooooo beautiful. We have this incredible privilege to be included in the lives and precious moments of our couples. You come as you are and spend your time with us as naturally and authentically – just as you are. It’s so indescribably beautiful that we capture your unique stories and put our hearts and souls in. We give you memories that you can keep forever. And in the end, it feels like we are the recipients of a gift, just because we’ve met you at all.
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UBC Farm, Vancouver